
What are services?

Services are a set of ircd pseudo clients that add extra features to an IRC network. On AnonOps we run Anope services, a very common and stable services package. The following are examples showing some basic commands to get you started. To see the entire command list use /msg chanserv help or /msg botserv help, etc. To see details of individual commands use /msg chanserv help set


This is the service that control registration of nicknames.
Some common commands are:
Register your nickname. Do not forget your password. They cannot be recovered.
/msg nickserv register password fake@email.address
Identify for your nickname. Required everytime you connect to the network.
/msg nickserv identify password 
Delete your nickname (Ragequit, etc) Any channels you own will also be dropped.
/msg nickserv drop nick
Protect your nick from impersonators (allows you 60 seconds to identify or the nick will be locked)
/msg nickserv set kill on
Note: this option is now enforced on new nicks
Release your nickname from a services hold (If you didn't identify quick enough)
/msg nickserv release nick password
AnonOps IRC offers services in different languages for registered users only. To see a list of the available languages supported by Anope
/msg nickserv help set language
From the list choose the number for your language then
/msg nickserv set language [language number]


This service lets you register channels, add users to the access list and set various channel control options.
Some common commands are as follows:
Register a channel. A registered nick is required.
/msg chanserv register #channel "Description of Channel"
Add a user to access using the XOP system - VOP, HOP, AOP, SOP - Replace XOP with one of these
/msg chanserv xop #channel add nick
Show users an entry message.
/msg chanserv set #channel entrymsg "put something here"
XOP is very limited compared to the levels system in Anope.
Access levels allow you to have much finer control over what each user can do in your channel. XOP is the default so you have to disable it.
Turn off XOP system and enable access levels.
/msg chanserv set #channel xop off
List the current level settings.
/msg chanserv levels #channel list
Change a level - leveltype can be listed using the previous command.
/msg chanserv levels #channel set leveltype level
Reset the levels to defaults.
/msg chanserv levels #channel reset


Used to configure channel settings set channel kickers, flood control, etc. Having a bot in the channel is required to use !fantasy commands.
List available services bots
/msg botserv botlist
Assign a services bot to your channel
/msg botserv assign #channel botname
Unassign a services bot from your channel
/msg botserv unassign #channel
Add access, xop, or view help (Using fantasy commands)
!access add nick level
!xop add nick
Make the bot talk
/msg botserv say #channel message
Make the bot perform an action
/msg botserv act #channel action
Add badwords and enable kicking if a user hits one of them
/msg botserv kick #channel badwords on or !bkick badwords on
/msg botserv kick #channel badwords add wordhere [any|single] or !bkick badwords add wordhere [any|single]
In this example, the words any or single determines when the bot kicks.
Setting !badwords add mac any, the bot will kick for mac, macintosh, mack, etc.
Setting !badwords add mac single, the bot will just kick only on mac.
There are other kickers available for bolds, colors, repeats, etc. Use /msg botserv help kick


Not used for much other then requesting a vhost. Note that we also offer the #vhost channel which is automatic, we recommend using that instead of hostserv.
Request a vhost
/hs request put.something.here
Control the displaying of your vhost
/msg hostserv on or /msg hostserv off